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ICIS-MRC Price report: PVC

The report contains data from two companies ICIS and MRC. Here you will find:

  • prices for PVC-S and PVC-E in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan;
  • weekly and monthly selection of prices by types, producers and PVC conversion sectors;
  • price dynamics by types and producers over 12 months/12 weeks;
  • Asian and European prices for PVC, VCM, ethylene, naptha and oil;
  • newswire on PVC market over a week.

It is issued every Monday in pdf format.

To get for free

Methodology of ICIS-MRC Price report: PVC is presentedhere.

FREE REPORT Order report

Pages: 10
Tables: 17
Diagrams: 16
Format: PDF
Language: ???????, English